12 July 2024
The 3 C’s of Music: concentration, coordination, and creativeness
Music has an amazing way of influencing our cognitive abilities. Music boost kids concentration, coordination, and sparking creativeness. In this post, we’ll explore how music lessons, and music programs for all ages improve the 3 C´s of Music. The younger the age and the more frequent the exposure, the greater [...]
28 June 2024
Being able to play an instrument improves kids’ self-esteem.
Intriguing about the ways to improve your kids’ self-esteem? Music has the power to touch your kids’ hearts, uplift their spirits, and even shape your lives. Music is a universal language that transcends frontiers, and its benefits are boundless. One of the most remarkable aspects of music education is its [...]
Music classes reduce negative emotions and stimulate brain activity
Music activities and music programs are great to reduce negative emotions and stimulate brain activity! Music has been an integral part of human culture for centuries, bringing people together and serving as a means of self-expression and cultural identity. Beyond its aesthetic and entertainment value, music also has a profound [...]
31 May 2024
Music boosts memory, attention, and social skills in preschooler
Isn't it amazing? Music boosts memory, attention, and social skills in preschooler! In today's fast-paced world, parents and educators are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance the cognitive, emotional, and social development of preschoolers. One powerful tool that has gained recognition for its remarkable impact is music. Music-related activities and [...]
Playing a musical instrument has a positive effect on teenagers
Let's discover together the positive effect of music on teenagers, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Whether you are a teenager or your kids are in their teens, this information is right for you! Teenagers often experience a whirlwind of emotions and face various challenges as they navigate the transitional phase between childhood [...]
7 Reasons why music lessons really pay back!
Are you wondering about affordable Music lessons in Toronto, GTA and if they really pay back? Well, Music goes beyond a monetary investment! Never the less, whether music lessons in Toronto are worth it and if they pay back in terms of benefits, largely depends on your personal goals and [...]