Do you know the schedule from now until January?
The last regular lesson day is December 14th. The make-up week is from December 15th to the 21st, inclusive. If you don’t know our 2012-13 teaching schedule, we recommend you download it. We can also give it to you in the office.
Do I have a Make-up?
If you are owed a make-up, you will receive a call sometime between Thursday and Sunday this week, to confirm your time. We work towards having your make-up on the same day and at the same time as your regular lesson. We appreciate your understanding and patience if we are unable to do this, and may ask you to switch to a different time on the same day or, in rare cases, to switch to a different day altogether.
If you have not received a call by the end of Sunday, please call us to inquire about your make-up.
When do lessons start in January?
Lessons resume on or after January 7th, on your regular day, at your regular time. If you will still be on holidays at this point, please call us before we break for the holidays to let us know. We appreciate that!
We still have one week this semester!
We were super surprised when only one family came for class this past week! We still have one more class for this semester, and it is this Sunday, December 9th. Books and CDs are available for the DRUM Collection, and we would really like to give them to you to get a head-start on the new music and the new year! We look forward to seeing you there!
When does the Winter Semester Start?
Winter classes begin on Sunday, January 13th. Your class time remains the same from semester to semester.
Help us, please!
It is our hope to add a new, 11:00 a.m. class on Sunday mornings, and we need families! If you know some families that might be interested, we’d be very grateful to you.
If you bring or refer us a new family, we’ll give you $50 off the spring semester, and give your friend an instant $50 off the Winter Semester. We appreciate your referrals!
New website pages for Music Together
We’ve reworked our Music Together pages, in the hopes that they will be more instantly informative for the visitor. The only one still ‘in the works’ is the ‘About’ page, but we’d appreciate any feedback you have that could make these more useful for a parent.