Our Locations and Contact Information

Scroll down for detailed location information.

Register and Call Us Now at

We are happy to answer your questions about tutoring and lessons, and can send you free information including tips and reports that can make your life easier!

So call us now and we can find you the best lesson times to meet your need, or just to ask more questions from a real person!

Our office hours are posted on the right, but if we aren’t able to get to your call, or you are trying outside of regular hours, be sure to leave a message! We take your call seriously and will do our best to get in touch with you in 48 hours or less. If we aren’t available, most of your questions can be answered by exploring the rest of this website. We recommend starting with our free report 5 Ways to get the Most out of Music Lessons, or one of our other helpful guides on our free music lesson resource page.

OAKWOOD (Head Office)
Private Music Lessons
Kids • Teens • Adults • Seniors

12 Conway Avenue.

Toronto, ON

M6E 1H2

Private Music Lessons
Music Together Classes

318 Lawrence Ave. E.
@ Toronto French School

Toronto, ON

M4N 1T7

 Logo of Rhythm Kids Music Classes for Preschoolers through 8 years  Music Together Logo for Mixed Age Classes

Babies & Toddlers & Kids through Grade 2

149 Oakwood Ave.

Toronto, ON

M6E 2V1

           Music Together Logo for Babies classes

Music Together Logo for Mixed Age Classes

Music Together con Español Logo  Logo of Rhythm Kids Music Classes for Preschoolers through 8 years

Babies & Toddlers & Kids through 4 Years Old

611 St. Clair Ave. W.

Toronto, ON

M6C 1A3

 Music Together Logo for Mixed Age Classes

Babies & Toddlers & Kids through 4 Years Old

814 College St.

Toronto, ON

M6G 1C8

 Music Together Logo for Babies classes Music Together Logo for Mixed Age Classes