Hey everyone, hope you all get to enjoy the long weekend!



Recommended practice time: 10-15 minutes daily

What to practice: BB King – The Thrill is Gone

Keys for effective practice: Play along with the studio recording of the track and if needed slow down the track on Youtube or with an extension. Really focus on matching the groove and feel of the recording. When you’re comfortable playing  along start introducing some of the ideas we went over with the Fade to Black Solo, as well as pentatonic ideas over this tune. To check to see how your rhythm is try turning off the recording and playing with a metronome on beats 2 & 4 – if this grooves, you’re golden!



Recommended practice time: 5-10 minutes daily

What to practice: Up to Ode to Joy and the Blues

Keys for effective practice: Take your time and if needed write out the beats underneath the music (1, 2, 3, 4) and the note names above. Make sure to check that you have each note connected to the right fret too! Count along and play.



Recommended practice time: 5-10 minutes daily

What to practice: Up to Ode to Joy and the Blues

Keys for effective practice: Keep track of where you are in the music by counting along while you play. If necessary write out the beats (1, 2, 3, 4) underneath, and the note names above. Take your time and be sure to be fretting the correct frets for each note! (check the intro of each chapter to be sure).



Recommended practice time: 10-15 minutes daily

What to practice: BB King – The Thrill Is Gone

Keys for effective practice: Play along with the recording and try to sink into the groove with the rest of the band. In order to get the melodic soloing down it would be wise to slow down the recording to really lock in and hear what he’s doing. This is another form of ear training, mimicking the sounds of what you hear, and will help further your ability to play what you hear in your head.



Recommended practice time: 10+ minutes  daily

What to practice: Hotel California chords and intro riffs

Keys for effective practice: Take your time. Test yourself and try to get the chords down without looking at a reference, once that’s done you can start to focus more on how they feel and sound, especially switching from one to another. At first you will probably be switching from chord-to-chord one finger at a time. However, as you play more you’ll want to aim for being able to move 2 or 3 fingers simultaneously. If you’re aware of this from the beginning you may develop more fluidly! Aside from this, remember to try to keep your wrist fairly straight like you’re holding a rifle or a baseball bat (check out the reference video).