Hello everyone,
Here are your practice assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: New drum beats #1-#8
How to practice: first of all, I suggest you to sing the base-drum pattern BEFORE you play. Second, play only the base-drum pattern you sung. Finally, play the all parts include the High-Hat and Snare-drum parts. ADVANCED practice: I would like you to practice playing all the drum-beat patterns from #1 to #8 without stopping and starting as we tried in the lesson.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: drum-beats #5 and #6 which I wrote down on your paper.
How to practice: I encourage you to sing the base-drum pattern first and play only the pattern on the base-drum second. Finally, you can add your hands to play high-hat and snare drum to practice the coordination. Please keep in your mind the simple movement of your wrists that we talked about in your lesson.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Sing and play your composition #1-#5 and add the base-drum on each beat (1, 2, 3, 4).
How to practice: I encourage you to speak the rhythms in two ways. 1, numeral singing (one, e, and, a). 2, sound singing (ta ka ta ka, or ti ki ti ki, etc). Once you feel comfortable singing the rhythms, then, add the base-drum as a quoter note.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.