Hi everyone,

With the transition to ZOOM video lessons, I am no longer able to write down notes and musical material in the students’ books/binders. Instead, I have created PDF documents for each of you and dropped them into a Google Drive folder. The link to your documents is listed in the What to practice heading under your name below. You should be able to access the documents simply by clicking on the link. Here are your practice assignments for this week:


Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day

What to practice: Practice page 4 of “Beggin’”

How to practice it most effectively: Focus on the new material, particularly the measures that have syncopated rhythms on the bass drum and snare drum. It is important that you are able to play each measure with a steady pulse on the cymbal (hi-hat or ride) and that each bass and snare note fits into this pulse without causing you to speed up or slow down. Take your time with it and work out each measure with precision.


Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 minutes per day

What to practice: Take a look at the 12/8 beats from the new page I have provided: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10YGpSqgr9Z2SExyhXz7k1evG3C0t2VEc?usp=sharing

How to practice it most effectively: In the 12/8 beats, each part of the beat is subdivided into 3 notes on the cymbal. These beats should have a laid-back feel with an even and steady pulse on the hi-hat. Look closely at the placement of the bass drum notes in #2 and #3. It is important that these notes lock in with the hi-hat pulse.

Nate O.

Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day

What to practice: Practice the chorus beat from “Swing Lynn” by Twin Cabins: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lsS6FvGAobS96Y5mFUDE_7L1HGfAK0_s?usp=sharing

How to practice it most effectively: Remember that in the 4th measure of the chorus, the notes on the snare drum should always be played “left right,” rather than playing them both with your left hand. This will make it possible to achieve the speed of the song. Practice it slowly at first to ensure that you have the proper rhythm and sticking. Then try to play it faster, closer to the speed of the song.


Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 minutes per day

What to practice: Practice running through “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dga1ZBRWaN_Ka4O1G009w-74c4VaZCj7?usp=sharing

How to practice it most effectively: Read the song map carefully before you start and try to commit it to memory. You can also listen through the song to clarify the details of the song map. Once you know the song map, then try playing along with the song. As you play, make sure you are listening closely to the song to ensure you’re getting all the little details right.


Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 minutes per day

What to practice: Practice the rest of “Start Me Up” by the Rolling Stones on the new page I have provided: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SCS8WVjfR1OZVlYmt8a1r2LTxo2NJOpN?usp=sharing

How to practice it most effectively: Most of the rest of the song isn’t that different from what we have already done. Focus on keeping a steady beat throughout the whole song and making smooth transitions into and out of the fills. Go through it slowly at first then, once you feel comfortable with all the parts, then try playing it closer to the speed of the song.


Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day

What to practice: Practice the first 8 exercises from “Lesson Four”: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KGeo9VGh3JOWzwpGhEe1DbXMRuQiG7lL?usp=sharing

How to practice it most effectively: Just like we did with Lesson One, practice each of these rhythms first just on the snare drum, then together with the ride cymbal and foot patterns. It is important that you can maintain the jazz ride pattern with your right hand while playing the written rhythms with your left hand and not let one interfere with the other. Practice it slowly and listen carefully to what each hand is playing to ensure accuracy.