
Technical Exercises – Continue practicing D Major scale 

  • 1 octave hands together, especially focusing on stepping down in the scale
  • Practice as solid blocked hand positions, and stepping legato, staccato, and detached

Bartok Exercises – Working through #7 and 8

  • Make sure you are confident of starting notes/hand positions
  • Watch out for changing hand positions and new key signature in #8

The Calico Cat – Practicing hands separately to the end

  • aiming to have measures 1-9 somewhat comfortable hands together already
  • make note of the pattern in our hand position changes, our RH is focusing on an A minor hand position throughout the entire piece!
  • Counting through dotted quarter rhythms in measures 9-14

Bizville – Continue practicing our LH “groove” in the first phrase, watching out for large leaps between B flat and F!

  • Practicing our rh on its own, making sure you can confidently clap and count our RH rhythm in the first two measures
  • Try fitting our first two measures hands together – watch out for when our hands line up when we count through




Technical Exercises – Continue practicing our C Major 1 octave scale

  • Hands separately and together
  • Practicing with legato, staccato, and detached articulations
  • See how quickly you are able to comfortably play through this scale hands separately, and hands together. Check with a metronome to see what your top speed is!

Lesson Book  

  • Allegro in C Major
      • Continue slow hands separate practice all the way through, watching for patterns and things that repeat
      • Once you are fully comfortable hands separate, break our music into smaller chunks (2-4 measures) and practice slowly hands together
  • The Juggler
    • Practice playing all the way through hands separately
    • Counting out loud to keep track of all of our rests! This will make fitting hands together even easier for us
    • If we are feeling comfortable hands separately while counting out loud, practice hands together while counting out loud very slowly