Hello everyone! Great seeing you all this week. Here are notes for your lessons:
What we learned/reviewed in lesson:
- Reviewing finger numbers on both left hand and right hand
- Rhythm playback
- Black keys — counted 7 groups of two and 7 groups of 3!
- Hand position, soft “c” shape
- Reviewed pages 10-13 (Faber Primer), play through pages 15 and 16
Recommended minutes to practice:10-15 minutes on weekdays
What to practice:
- Review Left and Right hand number patterns; practice recalling which finger is which number (thumbs are always number 1!). Try playing through some of the patterns on a flat surface (does not have to be at keyboard)
- Look through pages 16, 17, and 19 (from Faber Primer); try reading out the numbers, matching it with fingers, and eventually on the (black) keys of the keyboard
- This pdf has the pages we played through last week and some tips for sitting at the piano and hand shape at the end
How to practice efficiently:
- Review our hand position, is it in the soft “c” shape? Give hands a gentle shake (like we’re flicking off water) to release any tension
- Always double check your hands! Check with the music: if we are looking at the R.H. (Right Hand) line, are we making sure that it’s the Right Hand that’s playing? Same for finger numbers.
- Make sure to have fun!
How can caregivers support practice:
- Practice recalling finger numbers on Left and Right hand, can double check with the image we drew at our first lesson
- When Eva practices, check hands to make sure they aren’t curled up/tense. Shake out tension and reset to the soft “c” position
What we learned/reviewed in lesson:
- Treble clef: notes in spaces (FACE), notes on lines (Every Good Bat Deserves Fruit)
- Bass clef: notes in the spaces (All Cows Eat Grass), notes on lines (Good Bats Deserve Fruit Always)
- Dynamic ranges (pp p mp mf f ff; pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte fortissimo)
- Great sight reading today!
- Review of (piece), playing around with dynamics/shaping the phrases
What to practice:
- Start Amber Moon and/or Bouree in D minor
- Technique: G major scale (hands together, 2 octaves) and/or D minor solid triad (2 octaves, hands separate or together)
How to practice efficiently:
- Always check in with what’s written in the piece (fingerings, dynamics, tempo)
- Look for patterns and where they come back
Have a good week everyone!