Technique Exercises: working in C Major (no sharps/flats)
1 Octave C Major scale – Practicing as solid blocked groups of fingers within each hand position, bouncing back and forth between positions. Thinking ahead before moving. Once comfortable with shifting between hand positions fully, stepping through the scale slowly.
C Major solid triads – Practicing finding and moving between C major root position, first inversion, and second inversion triads. Following the fingerings on the attached page of notes. Review Note Page – Shakira
Bartok Exercises – Read through exercises 1-3 (all of page 1), focusing on following the shape and contour of the notes as you read instead of thinking one note at a time. Paying close attention and double checking starting notes for each exercises LH and RH (they will all be parallel motion on the same notes between hands) Bartok Mikrokosmos Book 1 1-19
Lunar Eclipse – Begin working through hands separately at first, until you notice the RH pattern, then working hands together. Watch out for any patterns you notice, double check any note names you aren’t 100% certain of (see attached page of review notes).Lunar Eclipse
The following link is to a reliable recording of Lunar Eclipse for you to listen to: