Hi Henry and Noreet! Great work today! Here is your homework for next week:
Duration of practice: 5-10 minutes a day
What to practice: Mary Had a Little Lamb, piano theory workbook pages 16, 18
How to practice: Two different speeds. Have a slow version of Mary Had a Little Lamb, and then a faster one
How parents can support practice: Prompt him to start with the slower speed and once he gets more comfortable, increase the speed gradually
Duration of practice: 5-10 minutes a day
What to practice:
Piano: Look at two new pieces, “Awesome Creatures”, “A Minuet for Mr. Bach’s Children”, and decide which one you want to learn
Singing: Pina Colada
How to practice:
Piano: Try first two lines of each piece, hands separate
- Practice with different levels of volume, for example, find a spot in the song where it is appropriate to sing loudly, quietly, or step by step get louder or quieter
- Exaggerate the consonants
How parents can support practice: Listen to her sing and give feedback on whether you can understand the words clearly