Hi Henry and Noreet! Great lessons this week! Here is what I want you to work on for next week’s lesson. Please set aside practice time each day so that we can progress week to week. I am so excited to see you in October! :)
Recommended minutes to practice:
5 minutes a day
What to practice:
Itsy Bitsy Spider 1st line or more
How to practice it most effectively:
Keep fingers on the correct keys the whole time (i.e.; right hand and left hand 1 on middle C, RH 2 on D, 3 on E, 4 on F, 5 on G, LH 2 on B, 3 on A, 4 on G, 5 on F)
How parents can support practice:
When he is practicing, make sure that he is sticking to the correct fingering corresponding to the keys.
**Piano Theory Workbook:
Mark white keys under black keys on pages 6 and 7.
Recommended minutes to practice:
Piano: 10 minutes a day; Singing: 5-10 minutes a day
What to practice:
- C major scale, 2 octaves, hands separate
- Adventure Warmup in C with correct fingering
- Start Adventure Warmup in G
- Practice yawning and feel when soft palette lifts
- Practice Pinacolada
How to practice it most effectively:
- Scales: Be aware of when you are changing fingering, make sure you make the switches at the right keys: RH 12312341231234543213214321321; LH 54321321432132123123412312345
- Adventure warmup: Follow the fingering in music and keep fingers on the correct keys
- Pinacolada: Practice with lifted soft palette
How parents can support practice:
When she is practicing, make sure she is sticking to the correct fingering written in the music and in the scale fingering that I wrote out.