Hi all,
Here are some notes for this week. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your long weekend!
Wednesday students:
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min per day
What to practice: warm-up you tube, keep space on your vowels, Ancient dreams
How to practice it most effectively: write words that help you sing it with the emotion you think fits
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min per day
What to practice: Pg. 47 petit minuet, previous songs for fun
How to practice it most effectively: play with feeling, notice all the things you can do already on the piano!
Recommended minutes to practice: 20 min per day
What to practice: Lightly row, Forest song- pg. 36 to start, think about dynamics, mood
Recommended minutes to practice: 20 min per day
What to practice: Can’t stop- start with pre-chorus chords, Impossible- get lyrics