Hi Everyone,
Here are your assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
How to practice: Get tuned up / play through song list
How to practice it most effectively: Aim to practice once each day
How parents can support practice: Encourage Ella to pick up the guitar once a day and take a look at her lesson materials.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
How to practice: #27
How to practice it most effectively: Look at just the first line with a metronome split it up into first 3 and last 3 bars then put it together. Feel free to move on to the other lines if you finish the first.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Lucien to keep up the guitar practice and use a metronome.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
How to practice: #53-55
How to practice it most effectively: Look at just the notes to start and then try adding in rhythms, timing, transitions.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Augustin to continue picking up the guitar and taking a look at his lesson materials.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: #16
How to practice it most effectively: Focus on the first 2 bars, if you can go further that’s great too. Count out loud as you play the notes on guitar and keep the timing even, tic Tok like a clock.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Jayden to continue picking up the guitar and taking a look at his lesson materials.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: #16
How to practice it most effectively: Count 1+2+3+4+ in order to go slower and find the notes on guitar. Let the counting drive the bus not the guitar playing. This means that the counting should sound consistent like the ticking of the clock and the guitar should be played at the same time as the counting, go as slow as you need to achieve this.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Van to continue picking up the guitar and taking a look at his lesson materials.
Have a good week everyone!