Hi Everyone,

Here are your assignments for this week:


Recommended minutes to practice: 20 min/day, 5 times a week

What to practice: Shape Of You, Chords/Arpeggios, Scales

How to practice it most effectively:

Shape Of You – Start by finding the notes/grips one bar at a time, taking your hand off of the guitar between each “rep”. Try bar 1 three times, then move on to bar 2 etc.

Chords/Arpeggios – 1 note every two clicks @ 77, 4 notes per chord and then switch. Try D, G, A, D. ***Try speeding up the metronome and see how fast you can go, while keeping your hand relaxed.

Scales – C, F + Bb


Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min/day

What to practice: Arms Around You

How to practice it most effectively: Take a look at the rhythms this week and play your song with a metronome (you can find one as an app, or you can find a handheld device at a music store, such as Long & Mcquade.)

How parents can support practice: Continue encouraging Jett to spend time on the instrument and see if he can get access to a “metronome” for his practice moving forward.


Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day

What to practice: Drag Me Down

How to practice it most effectively: Go through one bar at a time at first, once you can get the notes in a bar 3 times in a row, move on to the next bar, and put the song together section by section!

How parents can support practice: Encourage Hythem to continue spending a bit of time on the guitar each day, 10 min/day 4 times a week is a good goal at this point.


What to practice: Demons – Imagine Dragons

How to practice it most effectively: Take it one note at a time, play in 6th position (1st finger on 6th fret, 2nd finger on 7th fret, 3rd finger on 8th fret, 4th finger on 9th fret)

How parents can support practice: Encourage Jack to pick up the guitar a few times during the week.


Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day

What to practice: Guitar Chords + Song Review

How to practice it most effectively: Go through your guitar chords “G” and “D”, check the guitar tablature (numbers on strings) for where to put your fingers

How parents can support practice: Encourage Aria to continue picking up the instrument during the week. Would be great if she can also spend some time discussing the notation she’s learning, at home as well as in class.

Have a good week everyone!
