Hi, everyone! Here are some reminders to guide your home practice this week:


You’re getting better at joining the notes when you play! Focus on the new piece, and be careful of jumping from RH to LH and back. Please complete the word search in the theory book.


Thanks for cutting your nails! Let’s work on more home practice with your pieces and E minor scales so you’re familiar with them when you come in for lesson. You are very quick to make corrections in your playing, and I’m sure you’ll address the challenges in your piece fairly quickly with more home practice. Please complete theory homework.


Well done for going through a lot in the new theory book! Focus on the scales – coordination between hands…I know the fingering is tricky! Look out for details in the pieces as you play them.


We had a great time singing and playing together! Let’s keep up the beautiful music-making! Do bring in your new piano book when you have the time to get it.


Good work on the theory – we’re almost done with the book! We can start a new book next week – I’ll send some information on the new book these next few days. Keep practicing the pieces and make sure to keep your eyes on the music!


Good work on the scales! Keep up the concentration on this one. Focus on “Sarasponda” – it’s a big challenge but we know you can do this! I’ll send your mom the information on the new theory book!


Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!
