Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: Scales (C, G, D major, hands separate and together) + “Harry Potter” theme – focus on page 1, hands together
How to practice it most effectively: Note the finger marking in “Harry Potter” and practice hands together slowly. Only advance to pages 2/3 when you feel confident with page 1.
Recommended minutes to practice: 5-10min/day
What to practice: warm-ups (brr, humming notes 12321 – start on any note and go up 123 and then descend 321)
Also practice singing along with a few karaoke tracks on Youtube and see how it goes!
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: Continue practicing “Impossible” along with the Youtube video – focus on the left hand for this next week.
How to practice it most effectively: Practice with the regular speed of the video (RH) and then experiment with 1.25x speed (RH only). For the LH, practice regular speed.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20min/day
What to practice: Scales (all the major scales you already know + the three we added today: E, B, F#. Also try playing the melody and bass line of “Fly me to the moon” page 1. Next week we’ll deconstruct some harmonic and melodic minor scales and look at the other piece.
Recommended minutes to practice: 5-10min/day
What to practice: warm-ups (lip trills, meow, and ‘ha’ using the diaphragm) + practice singing “Blue Skies” – listen to 2-3 different versions and see what you like/dislike about them