
What To Practice; strumming chords for “All Together Now”, new chords for “Help”.

How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day.

How Parents Can Support Practice; have Cormack play the song “All Together Now” for you, perhaps with a lyric sheet so that you can sing along with him. Have Cormack show you the chord symbols for “Help” and make sure his fingers are going in the right places.


What To Practice; guitar solo for “Bloody Well Right”.

How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day.

How Parents Can Support Practice; listen to the song “Bloody Well Right” by Supertramp with Simon, then have him play the guitar part for you.


What To Practice; bass line for Led Zeppelin’s “Thank You”.

How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day

How Parents Can Support Practice; please be sure that Sam brings a binder with all of our lessons in it every week. Have Sam play the bass line on his own at first to get used to it, then have Sam play along with Led Zeppelin’s original recording.


What To Practice; review all Charlie Christian material, finish writing last four bars of Felix’s own original guitar solo.

How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day

How Parents Can Support Practice; have Felix play one of Charlie Christian’s guitar solos for you. Listen to the original recordings and compare. Then have Felix play his own guitar solo that he is writing for you.