What To Practice; strumming chords for “All Together Now”, new chords for “Help”.
How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; have Cormack play the song “All Together Now” for you, perhaps with a lyric sheet so that you can sing along with him. Have Cormack show you the chord symbols for “Help” and make sure his fingers are going in the right places.
What To Practice; bass line for “Thank You”, walking bass line
How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; have Sam play along to the song with the YouTube video or some other recording of it. Offer encouragement and help with areas that need improvement
What To Practice; opening guitar lines for Supertramp’s ” Bloody Well Right”
How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; have Simon play the song for you while listening to a recording of it. Make sure Simon has a set time and place every day to practice.
What To Practice; review “Rose Room” by Charlie Christian, practice parts for Rock Band
How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; make sure that Felix has a set time for practice. Have Felix play the guitar solo from “Rose Room” for you along with the recording.
What To Practice; chords for “Highway To Hell”, first guitar solo licks
How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; have Kiran play “Highway To Hell” for you along with the recording. Check on Kiran’s papers to make sure he is playing the chords right.
What To Practice; first solo for “Comfortably Numb”, melody for “Watermelons In Easter Hay”
How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; listen to Josh play “Comfortably Numb” and make sure that Josh is using correct fingering and has worked on his timing.