What To Practice; all the chords for the song “Help”.
How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day. First practice all chords by making sure that each note in the chord is clean. Do this by playing each string individually. Then practice changing all chords in sequence and with the correct number of strums per bar.
How Parents Can Support Practice; check each chord with Cormack and make sure each note can be heard and that he is using the correct fingers. Then have Cormack play all the chords in sequence and perhaps sing along to the song.
What To Practice; “Highway To Hell”, blues box scale, bending notes
How Long To Practice; 15 minutes a day. Practice the song along with the original recording. Practice the scale by going over it backwards and forwards while making sure you use alternate up and down picking. Practice bending notes.+
How Parents Can Support Practice; have Kiran perform “Highway To Hell” for you along with the original recording. When Kiran practices the scales make sure that he uses alternating up and down picking.
What To Practice; both solos for “Comfortably Numb”.
How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day.
How Parents Can Support Practice; make sure Josh has a time and place to practice everyday. Have Josh play the song “Comfortably Numb” for you along with the original recording.