
What to practice; all the chords for “help” and “here comes the sun”
How long to practice; 15 minutes a day
how to practice effectively; sing or say the words along with changing chords
How parents can support; join in with Cormac and maybe sing along. Encourage Cormac to change chords on time

What to practice; bass line for “three little birds”
How long to practice; 15 minutes a day EVERYDAY
 how to practice effectively; check notes against key signature and pay attention to  rhythmic notation
How parents can support; make sure Sam practices everyday. Repetition is very important.

What to practice; guitar solo and entirety of “Goodbye Stranger”
how to practice; check notes against key signature and check the rhythms how long to practice; 15 minutes a day
how parents can support; make sure Simon practices everyday. Listen to the song with Simon.

What to practice; “I can’t give you anything but love”
C check fingers against notes written; go slowly
how long to practice; 15 minutes a day.


What to practice; “shout it out loud”
how to practice; practice along with original recording
how long to practice; 15 minutes a day
how parents can support; make sure Kiran has a place and time to play every day


What to practice; “Shapes Of Things” and “Give A Little Bit”

How Long To Practice; 30 minutes a day

How To Practice; check your finger positions before playing a chord. For “Give…” follow the form completely.