How many minutes to practise: 30 a day
What to practise: Hi Jonah! Please practise all of Starlight.
How to practise effectively: Play Starlight along to the recording.
How many minutes to practise: 15 a day
What to practise: Hi Samson! Please practise the last two bars of the pre-chorus of Rock With You.
How to practise effectively: Play the first of the two bars over and over again until you can do it accurately every time. Do the same thing with the second of the two bars. Now play them one after the other and loop the two-bar section.
How many minutes to practise: 30 a day
What to practise: Hi Sylvie! For each pattern in the “HAND EXERCISES OPEN THREE-STROKE RUFFS FROM THE DOWNBEAT AND UPBEAT” section, write the counting above the notes in pencil. Also, practise playing those patterns.
How to practise effectively: Once you finish writing the counting, ask one of your parents if you did it correctly. When practising the patterns, count all of the sixteenth notes out loud (even the ones you don’t actually play).