Hello Team,

We have a few scant days left in the school year.  Please be thorough in wrapping up any loose ends, including:

Clear Your Boxes

If you have any materials in your box that should have gone out, please get them out this week, either directly to students that they are intended for, or by returning them to the desk after your last teaching day of the year (Make-up week at latest).

Check Your Summer Schedules

As you know, we are switching to a new software to manage our software over the coming weeks and months.  Please refer to the binder in the hutch of the desk (labeled Summer 2013) to view your schedules this week.  We will also let you know what they are in the next week, or so, but it won’t hurt to get an idea of where you are.

Make-up Lessons

Jasmine is in the process of finalizing your make-ups.  A schedule will be emailed to you by the end of the weekend.

Studio Windows and Electronics

While this year has been generally much better with leaving studios in a good state at the end of the teaching day, we are seeing some windows left open with the coming of the (somewhat) better weather.  Please make sure you close these up – the water damage during rain is to be avoided.  The same goes for turning off amps and keyboards, although this is a much lesser issue.

Thank you for your efforts in this area this year.  It has made a tangible difference.