Eric- Practice all variations of paradiddle and foot patterns. Also practice all variations of the independence exercise (shift where the feet play by a 16th note). Work on Immigrant song and try to get that beat up to tempo. If you have trouble, keep doing what we do in lessons: break it up by instrument (play only two of the three instruments at a time), and break it up by size (play the first half only, or the first two beats, or just the first beat if you need). Start slow then work it up over time.
Sylvie- Practice independence exercise number 1 nice and slow then work it up over time. Also learn as much as you can of the new beats 1-5. If you have trouble, keep doing what we do in lessons: break it up by instrument (play only two of the three instruments at a time), and break it up by size (play the first half only, or the first two beats, or just the first beat if you need). Also, play beats 1-8 on the first beat page and alternate between them all, using fills #2 and #3 as transitions, just like you did last week with fill #1.
You’re both doing great and getting so much better! This should keep you busy up until next time, and you’ll be able to show Robert what you’ve learned since you last saw him.