Hi everyone! Thanks for showing up to your online lessons, glad it all worked out! I am very impressed with everyone’s willingness to figure out the new software together and am very excited to see where it takes us. Here is what I would like you to look at for next time.
Ella- Please take a look at this sheet of disco beat patterns (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1czVrznrTxhtv3Bs1QU18jo65tvj01P0n/view?usp=sharing). I would like you to practice the first 3 lines of it with three variations on the hi hat pattern as demonstrated here.
Please try to get it up to 90 BPM for next week. I suggest starting around 60 today.
Jonah- Great job today Jonah! Here is what I would like you to do for next week. Find three sounds around your house that you like. These can be anything from tin cans to cardboard boxes, or whatever else you can find. Next, I’d like you to make up three calls and responses just like the rhythms that we play together. Next week you can teach them to me! For inspiration, you can watch this video of more samba music which starts of with lots of long calls and responses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpS0KFG38ds
Noah- This week, please practice lesson 6 the way we did in the lesson. 1-12 go straight through, playing fills to transition between each one. 13-20 Read through the whole thing without stopping. 21-25 can be done individually, or read through the whole thing. Here is the sheet of disco beats to read through (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1czVrznrTxhtv3Bs1QU18jo65tvj01P0n/view?usp=sharing). Make sure that when you do this, you are always using a metronome. Playing in time is the most important thing!
Sylvie- This week I’d like you to practice Lesson 6 in our packet. 1-12 go straight through, playing fills to transition between each one. 13-20 Read through the whole thing without stopping. 21-25 can be done individually, or read through the whole thing. Also, try to find 3 sounds you cans how me for next time. Experiment with every day objects to see what sounds you can get from them!
Koel- This week I’d like you to practice Lesson 5 numbers 19-25. try to b e able to play through all of them without stopping to transition. Also, please practice Lesson 6 1-12 the way we worked on in the lesson, by transitioning between each beat with a fill.
Samson- This week I’d like you to practice Lesson 4 the way we did in the lesson. 1-12 go straight through, playing fills to transition between each one. 13-20 Read through the whole thing without stopping. 21-25 can be done individually, or read through the whole thing.
I hope you have fun with this!! I’ll see you all next week.