Recommended minutes to practice: 15min every other day
What to practice: “Silent Night” first two pages, hands together
Recommended minutes to practice: 15min every other day
What to practice: “fly me to the moon” chords in LH and melody RH
Recommended minutes to practice: 15min every other day
What to practice: “Lay me down” by Sam Smith
How to practice it most effectively: listen to the recording – work on the low notes in the beginning (practice speaking it and then singing), and the bridge
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min every other day
What to practice: piano – “Dreydl Song” page 59
Voice – “My Favourite Things”
How to practice it most effectively: Practice the dynamic changes in “My Favourite Things” (p, mf, f).
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min every other day
What to practice: “Mia and Sebastien” page 3 first 6 measures both hands (slowly) and bottom of page 3 RH only
Recommended minutes to practice: 15min every other day
What to practice: C major scale, both hands separately & recognizing notes on the bass clef (spaces: ACEG, lines: GBDFA) & Jingle Bells (right hand in G position)
Recommended minutes to practice: 15min every other day
What to practice: C major scale, both hands separately & recognizing notes on the bass clef (spaces: ACEG, lines: GBDFA) & Jingle Bells (right hand in G position)