Happy New year!


Warmups (30 sec each)
–8 on a hand
–Singles; doubles; paradiddles
–Roll exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon)
*Alfred Lesson 6 ex. 1-6
*New Song: Scott Pilgrim
–Work on the first three lines: Sound it out, play it in the correct rhythm, and get comfortable
–Piano Adventures p. 33


Warmups (1min each):
-Triplet Exercise 110bpm
-Sixteenth-note Exercise 90bpm
Syncopation Book: p. 9 16-bar exercise**finish this week
*Start new song Lenny Kravitz: Are you Gonna Go My Way (click here to download and print)


Goals for the year: warmups as usual, new Drumset Musician each week (max 2 weeks), new song every 4-6wks

-Triplet Exercise “1-trip-let-2-trip-let…” (1measure RH, 2 measures LH)–try for 1min straight
-Stick Control **43-50 (Goal Tempo=140bpm)
-Stick Control ex 1-13 with “chid” on each half note
-Bass drum exercise: “1 + 2 3 + 4 ” working on speed
Drumset Musician p 27 7-12 with Sweet Child groove: Internalize the pulse! Count aloud
Nirvana: Drain You–polish off main groove