-Warmups (30 sec each)
-8 on a hand
-Singles; doubles; paradiddles
-Roll exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon)
-Ride Pattern Exercise
*Alfred Lesson 5 ex. 1-8
*Taylor Swift: Blank Space (adding in hihat)
*Think about new songs
*Piano Adventures p. 33 Aloette
*Call Me Maybe
Flam Taps *work on speed
Singles, Doubles, Paradiddles – **goal tempo: 130bpm
Triplet ex. (Goal Tempo=120)
Sixteenth-Note Exercise (goal tempo = 90)
Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance *up until bottom of page 2
-work on getting the floor-tom groove up to speed
-get the line 2 measure 1 fill up to speed (LH-RF double strokes)
-We’ll do the crash cymbal variations on line 1 next week
-Extra foot exercises: 16th ex. with bass drum and doubles between LH-RF
-Warmups (1min each):
Triplet Exercise 100bpm
Sixteenth-note Exercise 80bpm*
Syncopation Book: p. 9 *16-bar exercise (please print**)
Toto: Hold the Line
*work on two strategies for building speed (5 min ea)
*Opening drum fill (minus first note) “3 – a 4”
-8 on a hand *keep closed grip for a couple weeks
-Stick Control **33-42 (110bpm)
-Roll exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon)
*Drumset Musician p 27 7-12 with Sweet Child groove
Sweet Child of Mine: build the muscle memory for the correct beat! Follow the snare with the bass