Tragically Hip: 50 Mission Cap
–Playing sticking exercises along with the beat of this song!
Benny Greb Rhythmic Alphabet (find sheet in the Google Drive>Frequently Used Resources)
–Learn each letter in the “binary” part of the alphabet (counting 1-2-3-4)
–try building small words!
–Learning the musical alphabet (ABCDEFG)
–Visually identifying C on the keyboard
–Spelling “Dad” and “Egg” on the keyboard
–Stick Control first 13 exercises (trying for 50bpm goal tempo)
Remi Wolf: Photo ID
–Finishing this song off
–Work on adding the Chorus fill (on handout) into the second chorus
–C Major Scale and Arpeggio (C-E-G-c-G-E-C)
–Piano Adventures p 46-47 (counting in 3)
Cirone Book: “Step 6” (pdf in Nova’s personal gdrive folder)
–Review note reading using the Step 6 melodic exercises
–If you need help or a reminder about which notes are which, look back at lesson 5 (Amw PDF)
–Be careful to follow the correct stickings and rhythms!
–Try to build the habit of visually identifying the notes (looking at the page)
–Sing the note names as you play them
Warmups (1min each):
–Triplet Ex. 125bpm
–Ride pattern exercise with sixteenth exercise on the cymbal (goal tempo 90)
Van Halen: Jump (scan of chart in your personal folder)
–Pre-chorus: add in final fill
–**Now, work on everything up until the Guitar Solo on p. 4
–Stick Control ex 1-13 goal tempo: 80bpm***
—-Play each exercise ***4 times***
Bruno Mars: Uptown Funk
–done. Awesome!
***Bruno Mar: Locked Out of Heaven
–Drill the main beat to really get it solid. Careful with the bass drum placement
–Drilling the tom-groove at the end of the Chorus section
Warmups (1min/ea; slow, med, fast speeds)
–8 on a hand
–Single Stroke Roll (R L R L…)
–Double Stroke Roll (R R L L…)
Basic Beat Level 2***
Step 1) Count “1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +”
Step 2) Play the Hihat with your right hand (RH) on all counts (playing eighth notes now, as opposed to the quarters of Level 1
Step 3) Add in the bass drum with your right foot (RF) on “1” and “3”
Step 4) Add in the snare drum with your LH on “2” and “4”
–The goal is to get through this with all instruments four times uninterrupted
Also, focus on making sure the notes line up precisely.
New Song!! White Stripes: Seven Nation Army
–everything up until ca. 1:00, playing along by rote
–Bass drums on the beats, snares on the “backbeats”
Warmups (30 sec each) at three speeds (slow/med/fast):
–Single strokes (R L R L…)
–Double Strokes (R R L L….)
–Paradiddles (RLRR LRLL…)
–Basic Beat level 3.5
—-Make sure that when two instruments play together they land precisely at the same time
Learning Drumset Notation: Drumset Musician book
–Counting aloud; play each exercise four times without interruption
–Practice exercises 1-7 on p11 of the Drumset musician book (find PDF below)
–top line is hihat middle space is snare drum, bottom space is bass drum
ACDC: Back in Black–everything up until 2:49
–Nice job
–Add in the fourth “line” of the Guitar solo (a bunch of extra crashes!)
–Follow along, playing the Chorus section that happens after the guitar solo. Listen to what happens after that!