
Puss in Boots drills:
1) Playing the beat with your LH
2) playing along with the sticking L-R-L-rest, repeatedly
3) playing along alternating between “L-R-L” and “R-L-R”
Jack has really been enjoying watching the Montreal drummer Max Sansalone on Youtube (Channel: dimsunk)! He might like to watch more of his videos at home.


–Stick Control first 13 exercises
Remi Wolf: Photo ID
–Intro fill (3e a4e+ )
–Main beat: Basic beat level two
–Verse: drums drop out, bass drum pattern
–For next week: fills in the second chorus
–C Major Scale and Arpeggio (C-E-G-c-G-E-C)
–Piano Adventures p 46-47 (counting in 3)
Cirone Book: “Step 6” (pdf in Nova’s personal gdrive folder)
–Review note reading using the Step 6 melodic exercises
–If you need help or a reminder about which notes are which, look back at lesson 5
–Be careful to follow the correct stickings and rhythms!


Warmups (30 sec each):
–Single strokes (R L R L…)
–Double Strokes (R R L L….)
–Paradiddles (RLRR LRLL…)
Basic Beat Exercise Level 1
Step 1) Count “1 2 3 4”
Step 2) With your right hand, play the Hihat on all counts
Step 3) With your right foot, add in the Bass Drum on “1” and “3”
Step 4) With your Left hand, add in the Snare Drum on “2” and “4”
Level 2! Same as 1 but with eighth-notes on the hihat instead
Step 1) Count “1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ”
Step 2) With your right hand, play the Hihat on all counts
Step 3) With your right foot, add in the Bass Drum on “1” and “3”
Step 4) With your Left hand, add in the Snare Drum on “2” and “4”

Koel–Welcome Back!

Goals for this year:
–a few more songs than last year
–Jazz: challenging but fun
–Finish off VH: Jump
Warmups (1min each):
–Triplet Ex. 125bpm**
–Ride pattern exercise with sixteenth exercise on the cymbal (goal tempo 105)
Van Halen: Jump (scan of chart in your personal folder)
–Drill counting out the into to make sure your opening fills land at the right time
–Work on everything up until the chorus***


–Triplet exercise (85bpm)
–Rhythm Ex. 60bpm–>counting!
Deftones: Minerva
–Make sure to count aloud
–You’re doing a great job of playing this beat in time with the song, but remember to adjust slightly if you get off…don’t panic!
–Begin listening to the rest of the song and see if you can identify when/where/how the drum parts change in different sections

Have fun in New York next week!


–Stick Control ex 1-13 goal tempo: 70bpm
—-Play each exercise 4 times, one measure rest before moving on
Bruno Mars: Treasure
Bruno Mars: Uptown Funk (chart in your personal folder–please print)
–Everything up until the chorus
–Make sure the snare hits in the chorus begin at the right time (“and” of 3)