– Girl Guides Assignment on Sheila E.

-Warmups (30 sec each)

-New Warm Up Song: Animal Spirits – Vulfpeck
-8 on a hand
-Singles; doubles; paradiddles
-Roll exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon)
-Ride Pattern Exercise
-Fruit Salad game
Alfred Lesson 4
          *Ex. 1-8
Worksheet: Drumset Musician p. 11
*keep working on 7 a) = get it faster and more comfortable
*New Song: Doja Cat? Paint the Town Red?
Musical Alphabet
C Major Scale
note reading: lines and spaces in treble clef
*Piano Adventures p. 31


Flam Taps *work on speed
Singles, Doubles, Paradiddles – new goal tempo: 90bpm
Triplet ex. (100)
Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance
-Intro this week
Playing along to a song: Playing time, marking sections with fills


-Warmups (1min each):
Triplet Exercise 100bpm*
Sixteenth-note Exercise 75bpm*
Syncopation Book: *p. 8, ex. 7-12
Toto: Hold the Line
*work on two strategies for building speed (5 min ea)


-8 on a hand *keep closed grip for a couple weeks
-Stick Control **14-23 (110bpm)
*Drumset Musician p 14, ex 1-4, a) and b)
-Summer songs: Four Teeth by True Widow **whole song for next week :)
-Check out: Durand Jones and the Indications; Merival