Hi Team,
As you know, the General Meeting is almost upon us, which will kick off a string of events for the springtime that will be very tight for timing. I am itemizing them here for you because I will need your help in getting them all done per deadlines, and because by thinking about them now I think it will help you to get organized.
General Meeting
March 30th, current call time of 6 p.m. Since we’ve had a lot of changes this year, I think we’ll have plenty to cover, I’m sure. The restaurant should be Savera again. If anyone wants to change, let me know now.
2014 Summer/Fall Availability
Your availability for the fall will be due after the meeting, by the Friday of that week (April 4th). You can fill it in now, if you like, by visiting the entry form. This also covers Summer lessons, and Camp Supervision questions. The sooner you can do this, the better. The form is also available on Teachers Only.
Please take care in choosing secondary days to teach. Unlike previous years, where you generally have been able to get the days you have been most keen on, I am pretty sure that is going to change for a few people this year, for strategic planning reasons. I will still do my best to honour requests, but the school’s ability to maximize availability for popular instruments will have to jump to the forefront this year, because we are working hard towards growth.
Reporting will be initiated at the meeting, and will be due by the Friday of that week (April 4th). This is a tighter window than in past years because the recital looks to be on the 4th of May, also early. I recommend you consider taking the March Break to make your notes, which you can then tweak and enter after the meeting.
Getting these home in the second week of April is particularly important to help with pointing parents towards the recital.
Recital – May 4th
We had a great deal of success with the new location, with the possible exception of my sound system work. We are aiming to use the same theatre. It will be a long, busy day.
In the past, I have noticed that many students do not participate in our recitals. While the recitals are optional, I have a concern that there is also a certain group of families that are not aware enough about them. In some cases this is because their reports did not go home on time, and in others because they do not read the emails we send them. I would like to ask you all to please do two things.
The first is to speak to your students now about the recital and to prepare with them for it, even if they do not register. Have them pretend they will be, so they can set a standard for themselves that they can be proud of. Perhaps they will change their minds when they realize how much better they’ve gotten by preparing. Keep on them!
The second is to make sure that you are still on top of your bi-weekly parent contact, and mention this a few times over the coming weeks. Parents are busy people, and they require a lot of reminding before the information sticks.
If we do this, I am convinced that the results will be tangible.
Rawlinson Fair – ABC’s 10th year
Every year we have a presence at the Rawlinson Fun Fair, with our Rock Bands out front-and-centre, as well as a Faculty Jazz Combo playing for the community. This year is no exception, but it is an occasion. We’ll be completing our 10th year as a school, and I am hoping to host an evening open-air concert and movie screening. This will probably involve free food, drink, and popcorn for all those associated with the school.
The date of the Fair is Saturday, May 31st, and if you would like to participate in some way, I would love to hear from you.
I am sure there will be more to go over soon.