–8 on a Hand
–Single strokes
–Double strokes
Review of grip: good. Keep skin contact with stick
Basic Beat Level 3** same as level 2, but BD plays all four beats (1, 2, 3, 4)
Step 1) Count “1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ”
Step 2) Play the Hihat with your Right Hand (RH) on all the counts
Step 3) Add in the Bass Drum with your Right Foot (RF) on “1”, “2”, “3”, and “4”
Step 4) Add in the Snare Drum with your Left Hand (LH) on “2” and “4”
Visual Drumset Method: exercises 5-7**
–You can find this in the google drive>Frequently Used Resources (please bookmark for future use)
–Aim for four repetitions of each exercise without hiccups or hesitations
Fruit Salad Game
-Create three of your own fruit salads using the four fruit-rhythms (in your notebook)
–Hand and foot coordination (see handout): playing steady beats on the bass drum, play singles, doubles, and paradiddles with your hands on the snare drum. There should be two snare notes (ti-ti; eighth notes) to every bass drum note (ta; quarter notes)
Groove Essentials Rock Groove 5
–Play the VD ex. 10 beat for this one!
–Let’s work on getting some fills together for it
White Stripes: Seven Nation Army: DONE!
Drumset Musician p81 ex. 9-12
–Polish these off this week
Weezer: My Name is Jonas
–Finishing page one beats
Drumset Musician p83 Twelve Bar Blues playalong
–We used this as a way to learn drum fills
–Next week let’s learn about the 12 bar blues as a form
Warmups (***F Major):
–Scale, one octave, ascending and descending, saying the note names as you play them (F-G-A-Bb-C-D-E-f)
–Arpeggio (F-A-C-f-C-A-F)
–Broken thirds (F-A G-Bb A-C…), ascending and descending
Cirone Book: “Step Six” ex. 5-8
Eartraining: identifying thirds and fifths
–Stick Control first page ex. 14-18 (4x each, 120bpm goal tempo)
–Play eighths ca. 120-160 bpm (gradually building up the speed) using accents on the beats to help with the push-pull strokes
Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials book: Groove 1 FAST
–This week, we’re trying to get used to playing these grooves up to speed
–In your practicing, add in crashes on the “push” shots
Warmups (1min each per practice session):
–Paradiddle combo exercise with bass drum on quarter notes
Paul Simon: Late in the Evening
–Use a metronome (I use the Tempo app by Frozen Ape) to help you lock the sixteenth-note
Mozambique pattern into the grid
–the fill before Verse 1: needs to lock in. But, because of all the space, it’s hard to do. So, make sure to drill it slowly, counting along.
–Make sure the beat three BD-LH line up perfectly
Warmups (1min ea)
–Single strokes (LRLR…)
–Double Strokes (LLRR…)
–Paradiddles (LRLL RLRR…)
Drumset Musician p11, ex. 1-7 a)
–Find the PDF for these in the “Frequently Used Resources” folder linked below
–This week, keep polishing these off. Practice playing them along with the play-along track below
Igoe Groove Essentials Groove 1 Slow (backing track and chart in Frequently Used Resources folder)
–Learn basic beat (at top of page) and play along with the backing track
–Add in the drum fills we learned (on the handout) at the end of four-bar phrases
–Once comfortable, begin learning Variation A. Careful to count the sixteenth notes as “1e+a 2e+a…”. So this beat will be counted something like “1 + 2 +a 3 + 4 +”
Bookmark the following google drive links:
—Your personal folder
—The “Frequently Used Resources” folder