Lila – Great first lesson today! Congratulations.
–8 on a Hand
–Single strokes
–Double strokes
Technique: the grip and playing position (V-shape, dribbling the basket ball, backs of hands facing up)
Basic Beat Level 1
Step 1) Count “1 2 3 4”
Step 2) Play the Hihat with your Right Hand (RH) on all the counts
Step 3) Add in the Bass Drum with your Right Foot (RF) on “1” and “3”
Step 4) Add in the Snare Drum with your Left Hand (LH) on “2” and “4”
Required Materials:
–Notebook, binder, etc for handouts and notes (please bring to lessons)
Recommended Materials:
–Hearing protection
–Method Books
Visual Drumset Method p.14: exercises 1 and 2
–You can find this in the google drive>Frequently Used Resources (please bookmark for future use)
Drumset Musician p81 ex. 9-12
–Polish these off this week
Weezer: My Name is Jonas
–Drill the intro and main groove on p.1
–See worksheet for additional exercises on Bass drum variation
–For next time, we’ll learn the other two prominent fills in this song
Warmups (***G Major):
–Scale, one octave, ascending and descending, saying the note names as you play them (G-A-B-C-D-E-F#-G’)
–Arpeggio (G-B-D-G’-D-B-G)
–Broken thirds (G-B A-C B-D…)
Cirone Book: “Step Six” ex. 5-8
–Flashcards for note identification
–Next time we’ll do eartraining
Warmups (30sec each, counting aloud):
–Single Strokes
–Double Strokes
–8 on a hand
Joan Jett: I Love Rock and Roll
–begins with “watermelon watermelon” on the snare
–Play the main beat (1+2 3+4)
Fruit Salad game
–Four fruits: pear, apple, blueberry, watermelon
–Each fruit has a rhythm. Experiment mixing up to four fruits together to create your own rhythms!
Visual Drummer: Drum Beats ex. 7-9
–Try to play these without any extra bass drum notes!
[Like a stone or one headlight]
–Stick Control first page ex. 14-18 (4x each, **120bpm goal tempo)
Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials book: Groove 1 Slow (in google drive)
–Drill the three groove variations
–practice playing along with the track, 8mm of variation A and 8mm of variation B
–As a bonus, add in drum fills (to taste) to signify each transition
–As a further bonus, go ahead and look at the next section (Groove 1 Fast)
–Please speak to your father about buying this book – it is something that we can use a lot in your lessons and for years to come.
Warmups (1min each per practice session):
–Paradiddle combo exercise with bass drum on quarter notes
Paul Simon: Late in the Evening
–You’ll find the chart for this song in your google drive folder
–Good work with this one. The biggest challenge right now is making sure you stay in time with the song. Try playing the feet only for a long time with the recording until you lock in, and then add the hands.
–This week, begin trying to figure out the drum fills found throughout the song
–Paradiddle combo exercise with bass drum playing quarters. Accent the beginning of each paradiddle
NEW SONG Paul Simon: Late in the Evening
–You can find the chart for this song in your google drive personal folder
–This week we learned the main beat. Continue getting it clean and up to speed
Xylophone Warmup exercise (Eb maj) see video in google drive:
1) Scale, one octave, ascending and descending
2) arpeggio
3) Scale in broken thirds, one octave, ascending and descending
Reading exercises: please make sure to READ when we’re working on reading
Ear training:
–Identifying 3rds and 5ths
–Playing simple melodies back by ear