–Review of C major scale, identifying the musical alphabet
–up to p 33 in the piano book**
NEW SONG***Survivor: Eye of the Tiger
—Click Here to download the chart for the section we learned today (everything up until the end of Verse 1) (also bookmark this link because we’ll be using it again in the future)
Refresh Alfred Solo #2 (lines 1-6)**
Warmups (1min/ea)
–Triplet Exercise (Goal tempo=115)
–Sixteenth-note exercise (goal tempo=100)
–Stick Control: ex. 57-64 (160bpm)
Joel Rothman: finishing up Lesson 17
NEW SONG Herbie Hancock: Watermelon Man
—See handout on the google drive for the main groove
Warmups (30sec/ea., find goal speed):
–8 on a hand (140bpm)
–Singles (sixteenths at 140bpm)
–doubles (16ths at 90*)
–Paradiddles (16ths at 90*)
Drumset Musician p12 ex 16-19 a)***
Nirvana: Smeels like Teen Spirit
–Drill the exercises (handout in google drive) build up speed to 114bpm using metronome
–Opening fill (snare-bass-hh-bass), gradually build up speed to 114
–Triplet Exercise (1mm RH, 2mm LH) @ 95bpm**
–Sixteenth-note Exercise (on handout)
NEW SONG Lenny Kravitz: Are You Gonna Go My Way
–Find the chart in your personal folder of the google drive
–Working on everything up to the bottom of p. 1