Survivor: Eye of the Tiger
—Click Here to download the updated chart (please bookmark that link)
Refresh Alfred Solo #2 (lines 1-6)**
Warmups (1min/ea)
–Triplet Exercise (Goal tempo=115)
–Sixteenth-note exercise (goal tempo=100)
–Stick Control: ex. 57-64 (160bpm)
Herbie Hancock: Watermelon Man
–***Please print***handout on the google drive for the main groove
Warmups (30sec/ea., find goal speed):
–8 on a hand (140bpm)
–Singles (sixteenths at 140bpm)
–doubles (16ths at 90*)
–Paradiddles (16ths at 90*)
Drumset Musician p13 ex 20-23**
Nirvana: Smeels like Teen Spirit
–Everything up until the end of page 1***
–Triplet Exercise (1mm RH, 2mm LH) @ 95bpm**
–Sixteenth-note Exercise 75bpm*
Lenny Kravitz: Are You Gonna Go My Way
–Finish off the song, paying extra close attention to:
—-The extended fill in verse 3
—-the weird break after the guitar solo
—-the time signature changes during the last chorus