
Post Malone: I Had Some Help
–Good work on this!
–To help get that main beat coordinated at performance speed, isolate the “2 + 3” portion of it, making sure to line up the bass drums with the hihats. When isolated, you do a great job of this at high speeds. Can you bring the same coordination to the main beat overall?
–The pre-chorus fill (flam-bass…) is great! Make sure to play it four times, not three
Play-along Tracks:
–In your personal folder, find tracks to play along with
–The “rock” track can be used to work on VD #9, the same beat as in “I Had Some Help”
–Play your soca beat along to the soca track


Drumset Musician p81 ex. 9-12
–Polish these off this week
Weezer: My Name is Jonas
–Drill the intro and main groove on p.1
–See worksheet for explanation of new bass pattern: master each exercise and then we’ll put it in context next week
–For next week, we’ll warm up with some of these fills (V1 out fill)
Warmups (***G Major):
–Scale, one octave, ascending and descending, saying the note names as you play them (G-A-B-C-D-E-F#-G’)
–Arpeggio (G-B-D-G’-D-B-G)
–Broken thirds (G-B A-C B-D…)
Cirone Book: “Step Six” ex. 5-8
–Flashcards for note identification
–Next time we’ll do eartraining


Warmups (30sec each, counting aloud):
–Single Strokes
–Double Strokes
–8 on a hand
White Stripes: Seven Nation Army
–Great work! Make sure to play the regular beat during the chorus EXCEPT for that one moment when you play the triplet
Joan Jett: I Love Rock and Roll
–begins with “watermelon watermelon” on the snare
–Play the main beat (1+2 3+4)
Fruit Salad game
–Four fruits: pear, apple, blueberry, watermelon
–Each fruit has a rhythm. Experiment mixing up to four fruits together to create your own rhythms!
Visual Drummer: Drum Beats ex. 1-3
–Let’s try to polish these off for next week
–Aim for four repetitions of each. Keep the rhythm steady.


–Stick Control*** (in google drive), first page ex. 1-8 (4x each, 100bpm goal tempo)
Stevie Wonder: Superstition
–Everything up until the end of page three
–See google drive for simplified fill from the second last bar of that page
–Think about how you’d like to proceed


We’ll come back to our regularly scheduled programming next week. For this week, work on the shuffle-train two-beat we learned today
Shuffle-train Worksheet
–Learn the accent patterns from these five exercises
–Pay close attention to the volume of the accented vs non-accented notes. Make them as different from one another as possible
–Also, be sure that the coordination between limbs is precise. This will make these really groove
–For backing tracks, try “That Was Your Mother” and “All Around the World” from Paul Simon’s album Graceland. These aren’t a perfect fit, but work well as a slower-tempo example for this beat. Give it a try!