– Reminder: if you can, please purchase Suzuki Violin Book 1
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (doing a posture and bow hold check each time before playing), O Come Little Children (prepare for final play-through and really watch out for those up-bows!), and May Song (really great job with this song today, just look out for those dotted quarter notes in the first and third lines).
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: review 2-octave major scales (especially those with shifting, and try to memorise the finger patterns for each scale), Avatar State (second violin part – practice shifting in last section and stretch fourth finger on A string), and Mirror duet (notes are coming along nicely, so focus on keeping eighth notes even).
– Reminder: if you can find the time, please get your violin tuned, especially now that both your A and E strings are out of tune! I recommend calling a music store like Long & McQuade and seeing if you can drop off the violin curbside to get it tuned. I understand things are more complicated because of the pandemic, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: window washer bow hold exercise, down-up-down-up on all open strings and keeping your bow in the middle of the bridge and fingerboard, 0-1-2-3-2-1-0 fingering pattern on all strings (make sure your hand is farther from your face and towards the end of the violin, plus try not to stretch your fingers too much), G, D, and A Major scales, and Twinkle (theme and all variations, especially B – try chanting “bacon and-” before playing!).
– Recommended practice time: 20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: C, D, and G Major scales (one octave), C Major scale (two octaves and make sure to do a bow hold and posture check each time before playing any scale), Minuet 1 (prepare for final run-through either next class or class after that, remember to do bow retakes at the end of sections and watch out for F# in the third line), Question (focus on middle section and watch out for the E-flat in the second line), and Starting the Case (focus on first four lines and the low first finger for G#, and go over E-flat Major if you feel comfortable – don’t worry, we’ll go over it again next time!).
Grace – congratulations on learning a new song!
– Reminder: if you can, please purchase Suzuki Violin Book 1
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (doing a posture and bow hold check each time before playing), Twinkle (theme and variations – play through them all and see if you can increase the tempo and play faster!), and Lightly Row (just slowly play through and get comfortable with the notes).
Thank you and happy playing! I appreciate all of you!