Just a reminder that we do not have lessons next week because of March break – I hope everyone has a great and relaxing vacation!
Hendry – your composition is looking great!
– Recommended practice time: 15-20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: D, G, and C Major scales with long bow strokes, Lightly Row, French Folk Song, Song of the Wind, Go Tell Aunt Rhody, and Come, Little Children. Your steady tempo has improved so much from last week! For the next two weeks, pay close attention to your bow strokes in the scales and Lightly Row, French Folk Song, and Song of the Wind. Try practicing in front of a mirror and making sure your bow is in the middle of the bridge and fingerboard. Continue to practice the notes and rhythms for Go Tell Aunt Rhody and Come, Little Children.
Thank you and happy playing!