– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (1 octave, doing our usual posture and bow hold check each time before playing), G Major scale (2 octaves, make sure to check which strings has a 2-3 or 1-2 fingering position), and Etude (first line – play through slowly and watch out for low 1-2 second finger on A string, and look ahead at second line if you’d like!).
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: Review 2-octave Major and minor scales (try to memorise fingering patterns for each scale, and maybe prepare B and B-flat Major for next week since it’s been a while since we looked at those), Go the Distance (practice full run-throughs), Spring (first page shifts and bowings), and see if there’s anything you want to add to the Zero to Hero arrangement.
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (1 octave, doing our usual posture and bow hold check each time before playing), and Long Long Ago (prepare for final play-through next week and practice playing through whole song without stopping).
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: Practice holding violin under chin with hands and no hands, and also with hand in plucking position (make sure thumb is on the corner of the fingerboard while plucking), practice Les Toreador on first page of Violin Starter Packet and Three Point Shot on the next page (which includes G string), and review bow hold and have fun experimenting with bowing open strings!
Grace – congratulations on finishing Musette!
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: 2-octave Major and minor scales (watch out for hand position so that intonation is not too sharp), and Hunter’s Chorus (play through slowly and get familiar with the notes).
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: C, D, E-flat, F, and G Major scales (2 octaves, doing our usual posture and bow hold check each time before playing and checking for intonation), D minor scale (2 octaves – natural, melodic, harmonic, make sure it sounds different than D Major), Gavotte (make sure to retake bow at the beginning, watch out for accidentals in the middle, and make sure to pizz over the fingerboard at the end), and Catharsis (viola 2 – watch out for key changes between D and E-flat Major, and for high third finger for C#).
Thank you, stay safe, and happy playing!