– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (doing our usual bow hold and posture check each time before playing and making sure your pinky finger is perched on top of the bow, and make sure 3-2-1-0 going down the scale is in tune by not stretching your fingers as much), and Allegretto (stay consistent with using 4th finger and try to include short and long rhythms when playing through the song).
– Reminder: if you want to work on that new strings class piece next week, remember to bring it to our lesson!
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: review 2-octave Major and minor scales (try to memorise fingering patterns for each scale, and focus on E Major fourth position shift), and see if there’s anything you want to add to our Zero to Hero arrangement.
– Recommended practice time: 15 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and A Major scales (doing our usual bow hold and posture check each time before playing), O Come Little Children (make short notes shorter and long notes longer so that the rhythms are more obvious, and watch out out for intonation of second finger C# and third finger A – try to stretch fingers a little bit higher), and May Song (same as O Come Little Children – watch out for second finger C# and third finger A).
– Recommended practice time: 20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: 2-octave Major scales ( with focus on E Major shift to fourth position, make sure to do the shift on A string and not E string to keep the finger patterns consistent), and Gavotte (watch out for bowing in the second section and experiment with staccato and legato styles for the first section).
Hendry – enjoy your long weekend!
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: C, D, E-flat, F, and G Major (2 octaves, doing our usual bow hold and posture check each time before playing, and try to keep spaces between your fingers smaller as you shift higher in G Major), D minor (1 octave, natural and harmonic – natural = “normal” and harmonic = seventh note C# raised), Bouree (watch out for modulations and accidentals, and keep second finger in a low-2 position), and Catharsis (watch out for D and A open string notes and whether they are sharp or flat and whether they need to be fourth or first fingers, and practice shift to third position at the very end).
Thank you, stay safe, and happy playing!