Music Lessons in Toronto
How Our Students & Parents Feel About ABC!
I take Vocal and Piano lessons with different teachers and I’ve learned so much. All the teachers are nice to me as they’ve gotten to know me, and they always encourage me to learn new things.
ABC Academy is great because of the personal, individual lesson, as well as working at your own pace. I wouldn’t want to learn anywhere else!
The ABC Academy has given my daughter, Bernice, to appreciate what music – through her Violin – is all about. Through her experience, she has studied hard to learn her lessons well, and learned to be patient. In the process she has loved what the Academy has taught her.
We wanted to expose our son to music and what we got from ABC is a highly educated teacher who is teaching our son to aim higher, be confident, and play beautiful music. Our son loves the school.
I really like my guitar lessons and teacher. I say all this because I think that playing guitar is fun. Also, when things get hard, I keep on practising every day – Practice Makes Perfect!
ABC has given my daughter Natina so much confidence performing in front of an audience. The director, instructors, and office staff are so positive. I highly recommend ABC to anyone, young or “older” when wanting to learn music.
I love that ABC Academy has:• Great Teachers• Make it Fun to Learn• Has Nice, Friendly People5 out of 5!
The teachers make sure you play the best that you possibly can.
ABC has provided my three children more than a top quality musical education. The committed, kind, and talented instructors have contributed to their development as people.
The teacher is great – and I can see myself improving with each lesson.
Awesome people and teachers. Strong programs. Fun teachers. Good hospitality.
I’m 38 years old and I just started playing trumpet last summer. I’ve been studying with ABC the whole time and I have learned a ton, and had a great time doing it. My teacher is great and makes sure I work hard. Thanks to my teacher, ABC and the gang for making ABC such a welcoming place for an old dog like me to learn a new trick.
Great teachers, Patient
Great Teachers, Friendly and real Professional.
I love being at ABC Academy, it really inspires me to learn more music. I enjoy the violin and I like my teacher. Everyone who works at ABC Academy is nice. Love it.
I would like to thank ABC for making music so accessible for my four children, especially for the youngest one. They absolutely love their teachers and are learning quickly. I thought it would be harder to start piano and guitar, but ABC makes it simple.
My son Owen is excelling as a bass guitarist thanks to the instruction at ABC. We really appreciate the professionalism of the teachers and the hands-on management of the school. It’s clear that the director truly cares about each student’s success.
My son began guitar lessons at the age of 5, with all the attention span one might expect of a 5-year old. I’ve been so impressed with the patience and good humour his teachers have displayed! Now 7, Simon loves playing music, especially at recitals, and I am a very proud mum :)
I would recommend ABC Academy for any student that wants to improve. I like it because I have improved my mark in Music at School.
Along with teaching her the discipline required to play an instrument, ABC has provided her with an atmosphere in which she has discovered an infinite joy and appreciation of music. By joining the Rock Band program this year, she has also learned to appreciate the importance of working, in harmony, with others. Most of all, ABC is a FUN place to learn. Many thanks to the teachers and staff.
This school is awesome – there are nice and very helpful teachers.
A Variety of Music Genres
We understand how exciting it is to be able to play your favourite tunes – be it pop music, rock or country. ABC Academy of Music caters to your needs and preferences and teaches you in whatever style of music you like.
It’s Easy to Excel with the Right Music Teacher
ABC Academy of Music has exceptional music teachers on staff. Learning to sing or play your favourite instrument is fast, easy and fun with our qualified, university-trained instructors. Select your instrument and choose the Toronto music lessons you want to take.
The Right Musical Atmosphere
There are so many lesson types and instruments to choose from, but at ABC one thing always remains constant: we focus on maximizing your interest by maintaining a positive and encouraging setting. Visit our lessons and instruments page for detailed information about the instrument or class that most interests you or your young student.
Want to Save on Your Tuition This Year?
ABC: Partnering in Your Child’s Future with
Free Money from the Government
We know lessons are expensive – so when you refer another family to ABC, we’ll give you money back! Call us now and and we’ll show you how you could be taking advantage of up to $7200 in free money from the Canadian Government, in addition to savings with ABC on your tuition.