Hello, Everybody!

Thanks to some great feedback, we’ve understood that we’ve dropped the ball a bit on communicating the scheduling so far this school year.  So, here is a schedule for you that outlines the classes from now until the end of June.  This does not include make-ups, of which one is currently owed to the Sunday 11:00 a.m. class.  This will be coordinated at a later time.  Long weekends or holiday breaks are indicated with an ‘X’ so you can mark the weeks.

Feedback in all areas is really important to us, and as we often discuss as a group of teachers, we can only fix what we know about!  If there is any concern you have, please share it with us. You are actually doing us a great favour, and helping to improve our classes, and our school.  Thank you!

12, 19, 26

2, 9, X, 23

2, X, X, 23, 30

6, 13, X, 27

4, 11, X, 25

1, 8, 15, 22, 29