Hi Henry and Noreet! Awesome work this week! Here is your homework for next week:
How much practice: 5-10 minutes per day
What to practice:
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Teaching Little Fingers to Play page 5 “Stepping and Skipping”
- Workbook colouring keys on page 19
How to practice:
- Itsy Bitsy Spider: Count out loud while practicing, try a little faster
- Stepping and Skipping: Practice following the notes on the page while playing; pay attention to whether the notes are going up, down, or staying in place
How parents can support practice: Review note values with him and listen for rhythm in Itsy Bitsy
How much practice: 10 min piano, 10 min singing per day
What to practice:
- Adventure Warmups
- Minuet for Mr. Bach’s Children
- Pina Colada
How to practice:
- Adventure Warmups- review, try C minor (Eb instead of E) and G minor (Bb instead of B); finger 3 takes the black key on the left of the white key it normally takes
- Minuet for Mr. Bach’s Children- play hands separate, review which notes are played by which hand. Remember that if the notes are on or closer to the top staff they are played by the right hand. If the notes are on or closer to the bottom staff they are played by the left hand.
- Pina Colada- Print off song lyrics and mark a dynamic for each section of the song.
How parents can support practice: Listen to her play and sing.