
Benny Greb Rhythmic Alphabet
–Learn each letter in the “binary” part of the alphabet (counting 1-2-3-4)
–try building small words!
Tragically Hip: 50 Mission Cap
–Learning the beat (Bass-Snare-Bass-Snare) and playing along with the song while I play piano
–Learning the musical alphabet (ABCDEFG)
–Visually identifying C on the keyboard
–Spelling “Dad” and “Egg” on the keyboard


–C Major Scale and Arpeggio (C-E-G-c-G-E-C)
Cirone Book: “Step 6” (pdf in Nova’s personal gdrive folder)
–Finish of the last three exercises, singing the note names aloud as you play
–Ear training
–Visual training on the keyboard
DRUMS next week:
–Stick Control first 13 exercises (trying for 50bpm goal tempo)
Remi Wolf: Photo ID
–Finishing this song off
–Work on adding the Chorus fill (on handout) into the second chorus


Four-mallet Xylophone chords
–Learn the shape of the C Major Triad (C-E-G-C)
–Using that shape, play along to Bill Withers’ “Lean On Me”. It plays the same triads on different roots (C…C.D.E.F…F.E.D.C…C.D.E.E..D..) etc


–Stick Control ex 1-13 goal tempo: 80bpm***
—-Play each exercise ***4 times***
Bruno Mar: Locked Out of Heaven
–Chart is now in your personal folder
–Playing through the whole song, the only bit we don’t know is the half-time drum groove near the end. Try working this out on your own, we’ll polish it off next week
–Drill all the small transitions (eg. end of chorus back into verse)


–Triplet exercise (85bpm)
–Rhythm Ex. 60bpm–>counting! (quarters-eighths-quarters-triplets-quarters-sixteenths and reverse)
White Stripes: Seven Nation Army
–Learning by rote
–Great work! Sing along, and get the chorus variation in time with the guitar


Warmups (1min/ea; slow, med, fast speeds)
–8 on a hand
–Single Stroke Roll (R L R L…)
–Double Stroke Roll (R R L L…)
White Stripes: Seven Nation Army (up to ca. 1:000
–LISTENING is the key skill to playing in time with the recording
–Use listening to help you adjust when accidentally playing too fast/slow
***Drumset Musician p11, ex. 1-3 (find a PDF in the google drive “Frequently Used Resources” folder)
–Learn exercise 3 on your own, counting aloud, four repeats each