Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your work, I saw a lot of improvement with everyone. I am excited to see how far we can go with this. Here is what I would like for you to work on for our next lesson.

Sebastian- I have attached a packet for us to work on for the next bit of time. You can view and/or print it from this link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/12q21Pa0ouqLu4ufYaFwdcrPqMH-Sdn3A/view?usp=sharing). Please take a look at lesson 1 and learn the first 15 exercises.

Ella- Practice the top three lines of the disco beats with all three hi hat variations. Here is an example of all three variations written out for the second beat.

Jonah- Keep finding new sounds like your hangers! Also, please come up with 3 new calls and responses so you can teach them to me.

Noah- Great job this week, I can tell you practiced a lot! This week, I’d like you to practice the top two lines of the disco beats with the first two hi hat variations. Here is an example of all three variations written out for the second beat.

In addition, try to get 13-20 on Lesson 6 up to 140 on the metronome, and practice all of the beats in Lesson 7 at any comfortable tempo.

Sylvie- Find some sound making objects to bring to the next lesson so we can play around with creating music with them. Please read through Lesson 6, and prepare to play 1-12 in a row with fills inbetween.

Koel- Learn the Lesson 5 application for next time, as well as all of Lesson 6. See if you can prepare to play through 1-12 of Lesson 6 in a row with fills inbetween.

Samson- This week, I’d like you to practice all of Lesson 5. See if you can prepare to play through 1-12 in a row with fills inbetween. Also, please take a look at your sound settings, I think this article will help. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362623-Changing-settings-in-the-desktop-client-or-mobile-app

Great work everybody, looking forward to seeing you again!