Hey friends,
Unfortunately we didn’t get anything together to perform at this session’s recital, but come on by this Sunday from noon to 3:00 at 225 Geary Avenue to see some of the other students play. Attendance for all students is mandatory. I’ll be there! More information can be found here. Happy practicing.
Practice time: 45 min/day
While playing along to the recording of Best Song Ever:
- Play quarter notes on the bass drum and quarter notes on any of the other drums or cymbals (alternate sticking R-L-R-L-…)
- Play quarter notes on the bass drum and eighth notes on any of the other drums or cymbals (alternate sticking R-L-R-L-…)
- While playing quarter notes on the bass drum, play 4 bars of quarter notes with your hands, then 4 bars of eighth notes with your hands. Repeat. (Just like in our lesson)
- Do that again, except 2 bars each.
- Do that again, except 1 bar each.
Play the Best Song Ever patterns along to a metronome at 40 bpm. If you don’t have a metronome, you can use this online one. Once you have played through all of them, do it again but with the metronome at 45 bpm. Then at 50, etc., until you can’t go any faster. Be sure to count 16th notes out loud as you play. Make sure you master the 4th line on the sheet.
Practice the same homework as last week.
Practice the same homework as last week.
Practice the same homework as last week except without using your feet. When you feel comfortable with just using your hands, then add your feet back in.