Hello Everyone,
I’m sorry for this late assignment post. I have been posting the homework on my page which hasn’t set up properly.
I will be away on October 13th, and David Zada who is one of the drum teachers at ABC academy is going to teach you all. He is an amazing musician and educator. I’m sure that you all will have a wonderful time with him.
This is the assignment for this week,
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Rudiment #1-10 on the snare drum. The Comedians on the xylophone.
How to practice:
Rudiment… Set your metronome quoter equal to 60 and play each note even.
More details about the rudiment… #7, RRLLR LLRRL. #8, R LLRRL R LLRRL. #9, RRLLRRL RRLLRRL. #10, RRLLRRLLR LLRRLLRRL.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 minutes twice a day
What to practice: Physical awareness. A short fill
How to practice: I suggest you to focus on releasing your tension in your shoulders, arms and wrists. Please remember to remind yourself about it every time BEFORE you start playing. I also suggest to speak the rhythm before you play.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Assignment for the week of Sep.29-Oct.5
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Five different rhythms on the page 2 of your notebook, “Rhythm Practice” with a base drum and high hat and 6/8 drum beat pattern
How to practice: I encourage to peak the rhythm before you play and play what you spoke, so that, you can internalise the rhythm and will be able to play it smoothly.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Solo #3, double stroke and paradiddle
How to practice: Use your metronome. Set a tempo (quoter note=60) and play along with it. For this exercise, start with quoter note, eight note, and sixteenth note.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Rudiment solo, Scales of C, F, G, Bb, D on Xylophone
How to practice: For the rudiment, I suggest to decide your sticking first and play four bars each. Please pay attention to the dynamics and the articulations, and avoid playing everything at once.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Same as last week, but please remember to release your tension at your neck, shoulders and arms. I recommend to use your wrists.
How to practice: Set a metronome to quoter=60 and play quoter notes, eight notes, sixteenth and thirty-two notes along with it. If you can, try to add base drum with the metronome click sound.
How parents can support practice: Creating a space and time for your child to focus on their practice session everyday bases will help them developing a great practice habit.