
We had some pretty good lessons Thursday evening.



Today we reviewed some scales and learned a new one as well! When practicing scales, please help have Noreet practice with a metronome at home. Google has one available online for free use. When playing the metronome please ensure it is set to 100 Beats Per Minute, the quicker tempo will help Noreet hear the beat more succinctly when practicing. You can count out loud with her (one and two and three and four and) to the clicks to help her hear the beat. Please continue to practice the C Major scale playing 2 octaves hands together. Noreet can start practicing the G Major scale playing one octave hands together. She can also practice the new D Major scale! Noreet knows that this scale has 2 sharps (C# and F#). Practice this scale slowly hands separately. I’ve asked Noreet to review page 11 of her book. Specifically to focus on playing accurate rhythms. Use the metronome here again to help her. Finally, continue to review Mr. Brahms’ Lullaby. Practice this slowly. Please help her to review the notes and ensure she is playing the correct ones. Should she get stuck, ask her if the next note moves up or down and by how many lines and spaces to help her get to the answer. We will finalize this next week in class.



This week we looked at the Piano Adventures level 2A book. I’ve uploaded “Free Willy” to the google drive, see the link below! Please help her to continue sight reading this when practicing at home. Should she feel confident you can slowly start to play this piece hands together. I’ve also uploaded to corresponding work page Vida asked about at the end of the lesson. Please look at this together, help her to add up the beats in each whale and to clap each rhythm pattern you see. We will review this in class next week.


Thank you everyone for your work this past week! I look forward to our next lessons.

Happy Practicing!