About Emma Berube

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So far Emma Berube has created 7 blog entries.

Homework from January 18th 2025

Hello! We had a very productive class today! Berke: We reviewed the C Major and D Major scales. For this week please practice with a metronome. This is available online for free via google. For the D Major scale please practice these hands separately at 75BPM (75 beats per minute). We also reviewed the C Major scale and tried playing [...]

2025-01-18T15:11:36-05:00January 18th, 2025|

Homework from January 16th

Hello Everyone! Some great work was done in lessons this week.     Noreet: Today we reviewed our C Major and G Major scales. Continue to warm up with these as you practice at home. Try playing both hands together slowly. We sight read "Cathedral Chimes" and "Sounds from the Gumdrop Factory" today from the Piano Adventures 2B book. A [...]

2025-01-16T18:49:09-05:00January 16th, 2025|

Homework from Thursday December 19th

Hello Everyone! We had some awesome lessons today!   Noreet: Today we reviewed Jingle Bells. There has been a noticeable improvement since last week, especially in her sight reading! Today we talked about chords and learned our G Major, F Major, and C Major chords to accompany the melody of Jingle Bells. I've written in the chords for Jingle Bells [...]

2024-12-19T18:56:09-05:00December 19th, 2024|

Assignments for the Week of December 12th

Hello Everyone! Good lessons all around today!     Noreet: Noreet showed me her progress with Mr. Brahams' famous lullaby. She has memorized the melody so next week we will work on reading from the book and correcting any mistakes. We learned the beginning of Jingle Bells today! I've written in the first note so she should be able to [...]

2024-12-12T18:38:26-05:00December 12th, 2024|

Homework, December 5th Lessons!

Hello Everybody! There was some really, really great progress this week friends!     Noreet: Noreet has finished learning a Minuet for Mr. Bach's Children! She can continue to play this should she wish, but we have moved onto Mr. Brahms' Famous Lullaby. It is VERY important that she does not hear this played for her just yet, as we [...]

2024-12-05T18:41:37-05:00December 5th, 2024|

Lesson Work

Lesson Work From Thursday, November 14th   Hello everyone! Great lessons today!   Vida: Vida is to continue practicing her C Major scale. Please practice alternating the left and the right hand playing the scale. She can play two octave C Major scales in her left hand. If she feel confident she can try 2 octaves with her right hand. [...]

2024-11-14T19:10:58-05:00November 14th, 2024|

Lesson work for the week of November 7th

Hello Everyone! It was so lovely to meet you yesterday! We had great first lessons all around.   Vida: Vida has a good base line knowledge of music from her previous lessons and from school. She is very eager to try replicating the concepts or demonstrations from the lesson. When practicing at home, please help Vida and ensure she starts [...]

2024-11-08T10:40:35-05:00November 8th, 2024|
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