Hello Everyone!

Good lessons all around today!




Noreet showed me her progress with Mr. Brahams’ famous lullaby. She has memorized the melody so next week we will work on reading from the book and correcting any mistakes. We learned the beginning of Jingle Bells today! I’ve written in the first note so she should be able to read the music as she goes; it might take her a while to remember the notes but she is capable of figuring them out. We also talked about note values and tempo today. Noreet knows that her eighth notes are twice as fast as her quarter notes (these are both used in jingle bells). Encourage her to practice the song slowly to keep reading the notes as she goes as what is written isn’t always what she hears in her head. She can continue to practice the chords for jingle bells as well. We also talked about note values and tempo today.




We reviewed her scales today. Vida has become very comfortable with the sound of her C Major scale and wants to play it as fast as possible, so we used a metronome in class today. When practicing use the metronome (online) and set the BPM (beats per minute) to 140. Encourage Vida to play along to the clicks she hears; this will help her play at a quick tempo but ensure she has enough time to play each correct note/key accurately. We talked a lot about a few theory concepts today. We went back to the solfege (do re mi) that she learned in school to talk about intervals and how different intervals when played together create chords. I’ve given her a bit more of the melody for Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Encourage her to sight read this. We can review Everybody Wants to Rule the World next week, but have her pick a new song as well.



Thank you for your work this week! I will see you all next week for our final week of lessons before the holiday break.

Happy practicing!